Friday, September 10, 2010

Please Vote For Us :) *RoseBuds : Virgin Mobile - On The House Competition

Please Vote For the Cha-Roses!

We are in a competition hosted by Virgin Mobile to have our rent paid for the year while we are both attending school. We could also win a bunch of great prizes for our house! We named our household the RoseBuds because my family has the last name Rose .. & also our all time favorite Chinese restaurant is labeled the Rose Garden right across the border.

I will be finishing my social work course this spring (hopefully with a 4.0) and if we were to win, I would go on to accomplish either a bachelors of arts degree with a major in psychology or else a bachelor of psychology degree. We would be able to save up some money and pay off some of our other debts that we have managed to accumulate through the years.

Tom is currently taking his undergrad in Business through Athabasca Unniversity! He works at the Fort Frances mill, currently training for the Paper Machine Production Scheduler! I hope that one day when the man working that position chooses to retire, he will be chosen for the position!

Ethan is the next eldest in our family. Our six year old hockey star! He loves to play sports & is all around active at home and in the community! He resembles a surfer dude that belongs on a California Beach, he is bleach blonde, always tan, always relaxed and always looking to have a great time! He is hoping that one day his daddy gets to be the boss of the mill.. :)

Our youngest addition to the family is Jersey! She is our three year old drama queen! Shes a perfect party princess. She also is kind of a tom boy! She is not afraid to speak her mind or stick up for herself! Its wonderful! She is definitly the sweetest little girl :) She is another blondy (and no, I do not dye her hair) and could pass for a california child as well! She loves to dance and sing and cuddle!

So WHY vote for us??? Well..... Because we would love the opportunity to make a better life for all of us. Instead of paying our mortgage we could be putting this money into an account for our childrens education!! We can't afford any of the prizes and we know that our children love and deserve them (and maybe - just maybe their parents too) Vote for us because we are trying to be role models for our children and others in our community. Being able to prove that young families can make it and do well with their lives!

Also, we chose Kids Sport as the charity that Virgin Mobile would be able to donate one thousand dollars to, which would mean lower income children in our community would have a chance to play any sport they would like to! Its an amazing cause and the children deserve it!

So please... Vote For Us! :) :)

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